Full Moon Ceremony 12-03-2023

Anaïta Hagestraat 13, Haarlem, Noord-Holland, Nederland

Full moon in Virgo. Full moon is a time of healing, letting go of what does not serve or nurture us anymore. It is also a time to harvest and [...]


New Moon Ceremony 26-03-2023

Anaïta Hagestraat 13, Haarlem, Noord-Holland, Nederland

New moon in Aries. This new moon will be in the first sign of the zodiac, the brave, positive and energetic Aries.This tis the perfect time to set intentions for [...]


Birthing the Mother Course

Anaïta Hagestraat 13, Haarlem, Noord-Holland, Nederland

A five week course, where we will explore the physical, physiological, spiritual and practical elements of giving birth. At the end of this course you will have the tools that [...]


Cacao & Sound Ceremony 20-05-2023

Anaïta Hagestraat 13, Haarlem, Noord-Holland, Nederland

Narida and Thomas have travelled in South and Central America for over 2 years learning and discovering all the ancient teachings and medicine. Through this ceremony they share their knowledgde [...]


Heels Workshop (with Victoria Thomas)

Anaïta Hagestraat 13, Haarlem, Noord-Holland, Nederland

Have you ever wanted to try dancing on heels but didn’t feel confident taking a class? Well, here’s your chance to learn a concise yet fun heels choreography that is [...]


5 Element Creative Dance Session

Anaïta Hagestraat 13, Haarlem, Noord-Holland, Nederland

Using the 5 Elements as a foundation, we will move through the Elements of Earth, Water, Fire, Wind and Spirit. We will explore how each of the Elements strives to [...]


Self Love Journey

Anaïta Hagestraat 13, Haarlem, Noord-Holland, Nederland

During The Selflove Journey we come together with like-minded women and you are invited and guided in a safe environment to fully embrace yourself, in all that you are. Learning [...]


Full Moon Ceremony 01-10-2023

Anaïta Hagestraat 13, Haarlem, Noord-Holland, Nederland

Full moon in Aries. Full moon is a time of healing, letting go of what does not serve or nurture us anymore. It is also a time to harvest and [...]


Meet and Connect – Nieuwjaarsborrel

Anaïta Hagestraat 13, Haarlem, Noord-Holland, Nederland

Come and celebrate the new year! We would like to invite you and any friends you would like to take with you, to a meet and connect event, we will [...]


Dagretreat 03-03-2024

Anaïta Hagestraat 13, Haarlem, Noord-Holland, Nederland

Durf jij de eerste stap te zetten naar transformatie? De eerste stap- je zelf bewust worden van.... Je bewust worden van jouw pijn, jouw geluk, jouw verlangens! Als je je [...]


Full Moon Ceremony 24-03-2024

Full moon in Libra. Full moon is a time of healing, letting go of what does not serve or nurture us anymore. It is also a time to harvest and [...]


Truffelsessie 29-03-2024

Anaïta Hagestraat 13, Haarlem, Noord-Holland, Nederland

Groepssessie op een prachtige locatie in Haarlem Twee betrokken en ervaren begeleiders Live muzikale begeleiding d.m.v. drums en klankschalen Volgende sessie: 29 maart 2024, 13:00 - 20:00 Investering: € 325,- [...]
