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Rite of the Womb 21-04-2024
21 april , 2024 /14:00 - 17:30
€55“The womb is not a place to store fear and pain. The womb is to create and give birth to life”
The Rite of the Womb is an initiation given by a lineage of women who freed themselves from suffering and they want us to remember that we did not come to suffer, but to be powerful creators.
The rite of the womb heals the womb from a collective process that began over 4,000 years ago when the Goddess was relegated to a second place shadowed by an all mighty masculine god.
The Rite of the Womb is being held by Gladys. She is a certified womb keeper. Join this Rite of the Womb. After receiving the rite and nurturing it during 13 moons, you can share it with other women. We have space for 12 ladies.
You can receive this rite also if you are pregnant, if you don’t menstruate anymore and also when your womb has been removed or if you are a girl before menarche.
More information: www.theriteofthewomb.com
Dit event is volgeboekt.